

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Collembola Solutions

If any, or all of the symptoms below ring true, you may have to consider the possibility of an infestation by one of the world's oldest bug or Arthropod, which in some cases along with the fungus that it feeds on, may infest humans and their living spaces. Here are some signs and symptoms of human infestation and some possible solutions.

Do you  have the sensation of tiny or invisible bugs crawling on you leaving a variety of painful or itchy bites? Then you have probably checked out the likelihood of bedbugs, bird mites and sarcoptic mites only to be turned away by bewildered doctors and pest control specialists.

Do these sensations seem to come in waves like "moving dust"? Then you have probably been pegged by the medical community as having Delusory Parasitosis.

Does it feel like you have things landing in your eyelashes? Collembola are springloaded and can jump up to eight inches.

Did you have a sudden, unexplained chest rash, followed by any combination of: fever, ear infection, respiratory problems or urinary tract discomfort? These tiny creatures, although not well suited to the human body, may seek fungus growing on the skin in damp dark feeding sites like nasal passages, ears and genitalia. Initial infection may cause a burning sensation in lungs and on chest, followed by a fever while your body acclimates to it's new hitchikers. The 400 million year old predecessors of Collembola are tiny swamp bugs that helped to decompose rotting matter. There are possibly upwards of 30,000 varieties of Collembola and it is reported in credible research that in the last several decades, at least one variety seems to have developed a habit of human infestation.

Do you have small painful bumps along your hairline? There is some cause for concern that these could be egg sites or possibly, an introduced fungal infection that they feed on.

Do you feel tickling on your face or body only to find small pieces of sand-like material left there? Collembola sheds their exoskeleton as they mature - this hard grainy material could be the cast-off shell. Collembola mature very rapidly and seem to hatch by the thousands but only a few that reach full maturity and become jumpers, seem to stay with you. Where do the rest go? Probably back to the earth from whence they came. 

These symptoms are very alarming and can cause people to isolate and completely shut down. The loss of sleep and appetite that cxan accompany this syndrome can cause people to experience a kind of post traumatic stress syndrome and even feel suicidal.. Losing the ability to perform any task but obsessive cleaning gives the appearance of Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder(OCD). Many walk away from their lives and goals entirely, trying to outrun this creepy, infuriating and tenacious mysterious scourge and to try figure out what the heck it is. Is it Collembola?

The name Collembola, derived from the Greek "coll" meaning glue and "embol" meaning a wedge, refers to a peg-shaped structure, the collophore, on the underside of the first abdominal segment.  The collophore was once thought to function as an adhesive organ.

Many complain that they feel a stabbing pain followed by itch and small red welts, sometimes leaving open sores with a sugary crust that take forever to heal. Anyone who has tried every known soap and solvent to remove these creatures from clothes and bedding would guess that they "glue" themselves and their eggs to the seams of your clothing, (seemingly enabling them to ride out very high heat wash and drying) and possibly hair follicles. This problem reportedly can last months or years. I refuse to believe there is no cure. It's a bug, But what is its nature and what is the solution to its eradication as a human pest?

Those who have been working through trial and error testing and gathering data from sufferers have noted that this affliction does not effect people equally. Most of those experiencing this problem are women and a few men over the age of 50. Underlying health issues indicating immune system weakness may predispose you to this problem. Even a toenail fungus could make you attractive to them so start building your immune system now. That is the first line of defense. 

These are subjective, "anecdotal" reports and we need scientific, "empirical" data to be put together by experts. Even the experts in infestation have pointed this out.

I want to start a organization supported by sufferers of this syndrome to help fund researchers in their quest to understand how Collembola operate, the fungus they feed on that lives on human skin, what the conditions are that attract this pestilence to a person, and what can be done to stop this problem. This web log will be a one stop shop for all scientific information regarding this subject. You are not alone! 

Judging from the number of hits on Collembola forums, hundreds of thousands of people are effected by this problem. The medical establishment is way behind the eight ball in this area, so we will have to organize and do it ourselves. While there may be some people with delusional parasitosis, there have to be many thousands who have an actual affliction. How can you be sure? Because they all report exactly the same symptoms.

Anyone interested in contributing to this new venture can contact me at .  I will be organizing the collection of data relating to symptoms, effective treatments, knowledgeable health care personnel, etc.

I will be identifying credentialed, qualified scientific researchers to support with funding provide by us, the sufferers, their friends and family. Reliable reports of this problem have been in the scientific literature for almost 7 decades, yet nothing has been done to find a solution.
Only the sufferers will be motivated enough to get this critically important work done. When the going gets tough, the tough get going!! If you are someone who would like to get their life back, join this effort to find the COLLEMBOLA SOLUTION.


  1. Have been suffering for 5 years. Doing anything anyone suggested to no avail. Everybody keeps telling me to just clean my house and I'm constantly cleaning but they are in everything and I can't seem to make any headway. As you mentioned I sometimes consider suicide but can't actually bring myself to do it. I've had to cut my hair almost completely off and I have a severe eye infection because they love to get in my eyes. If there's anything you need to know about them I would be the one to ask. I'm praying that I can be of some help to you

    1. Hi, I was suffering with exactly the same problem, on one in the medical profession would listen or help other than to say it was in my head-bollocks!!!

      I cured myself with 3 things:
      Cedar tree oil which helped with the immediate skin irritations movement so I could sleep

      Bath daily with Epsom salts

      Eat at least 2 cloves of garlic a day (must be raw) which I put on my vegetables

      3 tablespoons of Diatomaceous earth twice a day which I mixed with orange juice.

      The garlic and Diatomaceous earth will stop the symptoms in two weeks but you must carry these on for at least 3 months otherwise it starts all over again. I'm still taking this 3 months on, I stopped a few weeks ago but it started again so back taking the garlic and powder.

      Clean all clothing/bedding with borax and white vinegar and clean your house regularly. Follow this and it will go I promise

    2. Hello my name is Carrie I've had these suckers for two plus years now I've been diagnosed with Lyme disease twice by homeopathic doctors of course Morgellons I have my 10% sure and these creatures. I bought a house I sold my house lived in it for 5 months got to infested my dog has it but I have it sometimes I don't know if I make sense or not I feel like I'm a Feeding Frenzy for these things airport landing strip for them. I've always been too scared to say something to somebody feeling they would think I'm crazy I know I'm not crazy can't find a doctor probably never will I can feel these things inside me hit my lungs everywhere I need some help I feel like committing suicide at least 3 to 5 times a day at least think of it and the scary thing is I'm so afraid I'm going to do it I just want some help before I'm not around to be able to get help I posted on here a couple times I don't think it went through I never know if it does I'm illiterate when it comes to phones or computers I feel like I'm going to die soon and I don't know what to do I feel all alone scared afraid I seem to be just getting worse all the time period. Sometimes I wish I was crazy that way I know that I didn't have this would be okay I don't want to be here no more cuz I can't keep feeling this way I didn't know if there was a support group I just need somebody to talk to you about that else I just know one thing I can't keep going on like this....

    3. You are not alone. I have been dealing with this for 6-7 months. I have 6 of us in the home, all affected to some extent but 2 of us whom they seem to be more attracted to (infected). Some days I just can't even deal. I completely shut down but I can't give up and neither should you. I can't let go of hope that I will find a solution, my babies need me and they need someone to help them. There is a purpose for your life... Whether it's family, friends, or even helping someone else who is living this nightmare .


    5. Hi Heather, did you have any luck with the protocol on

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Kathy, I have just recently been selected as host for some nasty parasite and nowhere to turn. Some symptoms are the same and yet there are differences as well. And I have so many questions. Please contact me ASAP!! Anytime, Blu in Utah

    1. Also in Utah, since 2015 tried everything. Open to s suggestions ready to give up. Please help. Steve


    3. I am also in utah and going mad at my apartment in salt lake. What's happening to me? I feel like I'm on a foreign planet. I honestly wish it were my imagination playing tricks. It's all I can do to face another second let alone day with more cleaning and being defeated which until now didn't even carry a name. I am do glad to have found this site

    4. I am also in utah and going mad at my apartment in salt lake. What's happening to me? I feel like I'm on a foreign planet. I honestly wish it were my imagination playing tricks. It's all I can do to face another second let alone day with more cleaning and being defeated which until now didn't even carry a name. I am do glad to have found this site

  4. I have tried everything and nothing has worked...except Lamasil (Terbinafine) 250mg a day for about 8 weeks. It will get rid of it. I found this out by a bloggers post on this very site. There is hope.

    1. Wow, this is interesting news for me. Did it stay off you Chris Pope?

  5. I have been suffering with this for 7 months now.. It seems like a lifetime, so I can not even imagine 5 years.. I am a 56 year old professional woman, living in Florida, that has Hashimotos thyroid disease which is a auto immune disorder.. I have no idea how I contracted this, if in fact it is a fungus. Or am I deathly ill, instead?! One thing I DO know, is that I am not delusional.. and my cat is not delusional.. We are both being attacked by these things in our home. My car is infested and I feel them wherever I go.
    I had a normal, happy life, prior to this, was planning for a vacation, and bought new outfits to take with me.. Perhaps, I caught these bugs by simply trying on clothes, bringing them home and hanging them in my closet. Everything I own is infested.. I am an interior designer, so you can imagine all the things that I have had to throw away.. Furniture, rugs, art, pillows, bedding, clothing, books, papers, etc.. Lots of which were purchased on trips and were very special to me.. I am beyond devastated and have many questions.. I have been keeping notes on everything that is happening, as it is happening.. These things are impossible to kill.....I have tried so many things that SHOULD have killed any mite out there, and STILL they are in my sheets and clothing.. I am having a hard time understanding how that is possible.. Days when I feel that I might actually be crazy, I see my cat, itching and trying to find places to hide.. Then I am sadly reminded that this is all too real....
    I have been trying to find some support or a blog consisting of real, intelligent people that are suffering the same thing.. I would welcome any help or knowledge that anyone may have and I would be willing to assist with gathering information in order to gain more insight into this affliction.

    1. Hi, I was suffering with exactly the same problem, on one in the medical profession would listen or help other than to say it was in my head-bollocks!!!

      I cured myself with 3 things:
      Cedar tree oil which helped with the immediate skin irritations movement so I could sleep

      Bath daily with Epsom salts

      Eat at least 2 cloves of garlic a day (must be raw) which I put on my vegetables

      3 tablespoons of Diatomaceous earth twice a day which I mixed with orange juice.

      The garlic and Diatomaceous earth will stop the symptoms in two weeks but you must carry these on for at least 3 months otherwise it starts all over again. I'm still taking this 3 months on, I stopped a few weeks ago but it started again so back taking the garlic and powder.

      Clean all clothing/bedding with borax and white vinegar and clean your house regularly. Follow this and it will go I promise

    2. I put diatomaceous earth on my carpets, I used Lysol spray where they seemed to be coming from, I use 91% rubbing alcohol with tea tree oil on clothes and skin, they seem to hate tea tree oil! I have white sheets and towels and use bleach to wash them. I put vinegar down drowns. I keep bathrooms and the kitchen very dry. Moisture and fungus are what attract them. I have a low immune system. I use tea tree oil after every shower, I use Lotrimin spray powder on almost my whole body. I feel like I have them under control. Fungus and mold attract them so fight that!! I had scabies before and they were much harder to get rid of! Ivermectin, multiple doses finally got rid of those. I do love my Lysol spray it kills them on the spot!!


    4. I haven't seen any post of any sort except from myself and davidson in 2018 why I wonder...

    5. Hi Carrie, My husband , our dog and I are dealing with this parasite to I believe. I would love to connect ?

    6. This is Carrie how wood u like to connect i wood love that

    7. Jackleyn I have tried to connect with u but not getting any place

    8. Hi Floridagal
      This is a wonderful site and you found it two years sooner than I did.
      I too have disposed of almost everything in my home,it was heart breaking but worth it, the cleaning process it lots easier.
      Im 59 and I think they were attracted to me due to the fact that I had a toe
      nail fugus. I'm going to try lamacil as suggested on this site, I have tried so many things Lysol disinfect spray and dehumidifiers are helping right now. I have used diatomaceous earth food grade, reclaimsit insecticide fabulos cleaner and on myself teatree oil, peppermint oil and apple cider vinegar this does make it easier to get through the day.

      This is not recognized by the American medical association so I go out of my way to show them this site in hopes that enough medical people become aware some might push medical research!

    9. Hi, same story, did the whole 9 yards..
      Bathed in pool acid added to my water..
      All pesticides available
      House invested
      Wife, dog, food, shoes, clothes, bedding, drains..
      Moved twice
      Spent over 100k$
      Giving up..
      Family and doctors think we are delusional, nuts...
      Only thing that keeps going is our daughters 3&4..
      Hope we can connect, is there a WhatsApp group or something?

    10. Been dealing with this problem for 8 years Biofreeze helps they hate anyting menthol so try Biofreeze either the gel or cream you can you can put it on any part of your body you will feel them falling off the top of your head and hitting you on the nose and other parts of your body as they die off there are other things too that they hate but I won't elaborate right now I just tried Biofreeze for right now either the cream or gel and see if you get some relief

    11. As a side note please don't put the Biofreeze on any open sores I'll get it into your eyes or your mucous membranes just put it on parts of your body that are normal like your head where hair is your eyebrows your beard your face just not in your eyes

  6. Hello Ian a 38 year old mother I and my children have been experiencing the same symptoms itching around the hair line on the face and me all over my body with a horrible rash that some doctors ha e said is dermatitis which I'm sure it may be firm of it but I know it it due to the springtails I can't help myself or my children I thought at first it was lice but hear little black two antenna having creatures pop up in the shower and tub some on the floor my mother also has the symptoms but because no ones is servers as mine she says it's her eczema they are affect8ng mine and my daughter's eyes she is always complain g about her eyelashes being painful and hurting her I live in Moreno Valley which is in southern Cali in riverside county my body also is immune compromised the worst thing is that Ism a nurse I have lost sleep my appetite can not care for my children they way I use to because I'm o edge all the time and they can't just be normal kids no 9f us can be normal I don't understand why that in the u.s. we have not enough info or a cure or a pesticide yo rid these things how do you go on with life? I don't want to wash my hair dress up put on makeup . Ism also a Christian so I am trying to find some kind of rest in that maybe Ism going through this to get back on my relationship with God and sense man can't help me that he wants me to lean on him to pull me out of this so he can have all the Glory either way I need help

    1. Hi, I was suffering with exactly the same problem, on one in the medical profession would listen or help other than to say it was in my head-bollocks!!!

      I cured myself with 3 things:
      Cedar tree oil which helped with the immediate skin irritations movement so I could sleep

      Bath daily with Epsom salts

      Eat at least 2 cloves of garlic a day (must be raw) which I put on my vegetables

      3 tablespoons of Diatomaceous earth twice a day which I mixed with orange juice.

      The garlic and Diatomaceous earth will stop the symptoms in two weeks but you must carry these on for at least 3 months otherwise it starts all over again. I'm still taking this 3 months on, I stopped a few weeks ago but it started again so back taking the garlic and powder.

      Clean all clothing/bedding with borax and white vinegar and clean your house regularly. Follow this and it will go I promise

    2. Charlie,
      Can you please explain how you used the Cedar oil? Did you spray it on yourself or bathe in it? Did you fog your house with it? Thanks

    3. Unknown,
      Have you gotten any better? I tried Chris Pope's terbinafine protocol on this website but I'm only two weeks in. Will report on my progress soon.

    4. I have the same issues I'm in Barstow California I'm ready to kill myself also I can't live like this brewers yeast helps and flax seed pills I read they are attracted to our sweat pharamone raw garlic helps sugars make them go ape shit and mass produce I think, sulfur powder kills them instantly but makes your bones ache and skin fall off, neem oil kills them but it makes you absent mined and the smell is disgusting cedar oil maked them run in circles around the spots where there is not cedar oil but it does not kill them they just jump onto your face and ears and neck and eyes and mouth and cheeks and nose holes no pesticide will kill them fungicides seem to work I heard about herbicide I'm going to try that next so either I'm going to die by being exposed to all this toxic shit cause there is no solution or suicide nobody deserves this god have mercy

    5. Speaking from recent experience (as in 3 weeks) and I can tell you that colloidal silver WILL stop the itching, almost immediately. You must continue to take it though. I also put a few drops in my eyes before going to bed; woke up with crusty yellow sand like bits around my eyes. Sounds gross, but I was like "yes!" getting this crap out of my body!

      I also started the iodine detox three weeks ago and the biting and itching has decreased significantly, as in it is extremely rare. I feel ALMOST back to normal.

      Lastly I spray my body and bed with alcohol before laying down and will spray my clothing and body before I get dressed.

      I used to have the jumpy lash/itchy face thing going on every night. That's decreased greatly as well. Very rare. At the start of the protocol, I would put thick waterproof sunblock on my face which suffocates the mites and also would wipe down my eyes with a tea tree alcohol solution before going to bed. I literally haven't had much jumping etc happening these days. And this is just 3 weeks in.

      I'd give the iodine and colloidal silver a try. It's helped me a great deal.

  7. Please try Nutrisilver. So many of us believe this is an environmental or external mite/parasite issue. This is an internal parasite issue. I tried EVERYTHING.....I have been researching this condition extensively. I do not have all the answers, but DO know that if you follow the Morgellons protocol on Nutrisilvers website, your symptoms will start to subside. I did not think I had Morgellons because I did not have colored fibers coming out of my skin. I did not think my cat had Morgellons, how absurd would that be?......but I watched her scratch and bite constantly. I have the black specks, the biting, itching, crawling. Nutrisilver is a very strong colloidal silver. 3600 ppm vs the standard 10 or 20 ppm product sold in health food stores.. This is what you need to knock this infection out of your system. You cannot do this with those other colloidal silver products. I do not work for Nutrisilver and do not profit in any way from the sale of this product. I wasted thousands of dollars on all kinds of soaps, tinctures, supplements, doctors, lotions, medicines....I FINALLY found the Nutrisilver site. Dont get hung up on the symptoms you do or dont have. Call and speak to someone at Nutrisilver, they will guide you through the protocol that will help you, your children and your pets. This is a serious health condition that requires a change in diet and lifestyle. It is a sign that your body is in peril, you need to pay attention and address the symptoms. If you do this for a few weeks, you will feel everything around you respond and you will know you are FINALLY on the right road to recovery. You WILL feel "normal" again and be free of this evil parasite that is consuming your life. You need to know the proper way to use this product both internally and externally to be successful. These people know their product and know about this affliction. In just one week, I saw a dramatic difference in the biting, crawling, chronic fatigue and brain fog. Everyday I am getter better and stronger and the parasite is getting weaker! Please try this, before you try another thing.....and STOP spraying things on your body and in your home. All you need is distilled water and a few drops of Nutrisilver. Spray and leave dry on your skin. It is super simple, healthy and it works!

  8. You might also want to check out
    There is a very informative article on Morgellons, mite treatments and theories. I found much of this research myself, and found the articles extremely helpful and not full of baseless, wasteful treatment ideas, often found online.. The Nutrisilver is working internally to kill the bacteria/fungus in me.. I also put 10 drops in my bath water and a spray bottle with distilled water for my skin.. My lesions are healing, the itchiness is gone! 3 drops twice a day in my cats wet food has restored her skin/fur and she is playful with a good appetite!. I take 45 drops, 3X a day in distilled water. It is miraculous how well it works and I feel like my "normal", energetic self, again. You really dont need other treatments with the Nutrisilver, but I do take a few additional supplements.. If anyone is interested, I will post a list of what I am taking that is working.

    1. Hello Floridagal,
      I've read your informed on Nutrsilver and I also would like a list of supplements you are taking, thank you so much.
      How long has this been working for you..?
      Are you treating your environment such as your home and car..?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No reply from 'one and only cure'Nutrisilver means, social media comment writer $15/Hr. FAKE!

  9. Zonisamide and acyclovir help with colloidal silver

  10. Makes it hurt like hell but forces them out of the skin slowly but you have to continue to take them every day twice a day

  11. They all think I'm crazy and just left dr she said she is going to continue the Meds as long as it takes since its working though I'm miserable it is getting them out of my skin trust me have had them for years nothing else helps just make sure to get pain Meds to help with the pain of them coming out

    1. Please read my post/posts. Your not crazy.

  12. Terbinafine (Lamasil tablets) 250 mg twice a day for 3 weeks then once a day for the remaining time. Ivermectin Horse paste 1.87 mg (has a body weight indicator on the tube) once a day for one week

  13. Yes it's kinda painful coming out of you but I've had this for at least 30+ years and I'm telling you I have tried it all. Both my siblings are MD's. And yes your correct they all think I'm crazy...up until now that I am getting cured. I feel your pain because it's miserable.

  14. Your body hurts everywhere especially in your neck and shoulders asthma ADHD mood swings irritable hard to get along with brain fog arthritic pain. I believe this is what Job in the Old Testament Bible suffered from. This will get rid of it/them. Your not crazy. Very much sane. Again..Terbinafine (Lamasil 250 mg tabs) twice a day for one month then once a day for at least the next 4 months...Ivermectin horse paste (Ivermed) 1.87% use the weight guide on the tube. I say to use horse paste because prescription ivermectin for humans is expensive and the Ivermed horse paste is exactly the same think. It's like brand name Listerine vs Equate brand mouth wash. 7.88 Tractor Suppy

  15. Also my ears would ring constantly. Stay away from Western Medicine Medical Doctors. Your only wasting your money. All I'm saying is there is nothing else you can try I've tried it all. This has cured me.

    1. My son and I have been having unexplained bruises popping up... Is this something that anyone else has experienced?

    2. Yes. I have been getting small unexplained bruises as well. They are circular and about the size of a quarter.

  16. Ivermectin in my opinion is a wonder drug. Read up on the millions and millions of people it's saved in Africa from river blindness as well as other parasitic infestations. I Praise The Most High Yahweh!!! I give Him the glory through His Beloved only Son Yahushua!!!

  17. Chris,
    What else did you do to get them out of your home environment, your clothes, your car? What cleaning did you do, with what products? Thank you

    1. If you take ivermectin multiple times they die and you don't have to clean constantly until you drop!!! The first time I took it I was so desperate I took it everyday for 30 days. I think now that is extreme. I think every three days for a month. Ivermectin is a Good send.

    2. Once you get them out of you (Ivermectin 1.87% horse paste) and you get the yeast out of you (Terbinafide 250mg) they go away they are attracted to you anymore.

    3. I did nothing else...well I stopped doing anything else house cleaning wise

  18. Replies
    1. It comes preloaded in a syringe andvthe dosage is by body weight right on the preloaded tube. Take it with the Lamasil!

    2. Make sure you only take horse paste with "ONLY" 1.87% ivermectin and no other other medicines included with the paste because some of them have other medicines with it. I took/take "Durvet" brand apple flavor it has just the ivermectin

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You do not need to do anything else. It's not the concept of them getting into your house it's that they are attracted to people with a yeast infection of sorts. That's why one family member will have them but not anyone else. If it where say scabies everyone you where around would have them. You may not notice anything for say the first two weeks but start feeling better you don't hurt etc etc...praise The Most High Yahuah!!!

    1. Been doing terbinafine for the past two weeks. And finished the week long dose of ivermectin you suggested a week ago. One more week of terbinafine give a day then on to the four month single dose regimen.. How long did you have side effects and when does the ear ringing stop?

  20. Should you go to work in a kitchen with this

  21. Should you go to work in a kitchen with this

  22. I'm laying in bed thanking God right now. I am a 29 year old female from Mississippi. Thanks to this website I know have hope again. Doctor's thought I was crazy, friends/ family didn't understand what was going on me. It makes me so happy to know that there are others out there that understand what I've been through and what I am still going through. Thank y'all so much for sharing.

  23. I will follow this. Have not slept in a week. The more I research the worse I get. I'm bug phobic to the max. I cry all day and may be ruining my family. I clean and yell at everyone for not being sanitary. I'm spray tea tree oil vinegar and rubbing alcholhol on everything. Washing everything with borax and will be adding extra things after tonight's research. If this goes on like others have mentioned for years I will not make it. I'm getting granules for yard and tons of deet spray. Doing a fiber cleanse and I guess have to give up my smoothie diet due to sugar. I've had a rash and bites for a few days I cannot even function daily my kids are feeding themselves due to my cleaning and inspecting. I'm the worst mother ever and wife too. If I have this I do t want to know I could not handle it. Even permethrin sprays as well. I stay up all night and my husband is ready to send me to a crazy home. the more I read the worse I get. I have black specs from Time to time on my body that are so small I can't even show anyone they would think I'm nuts. thNx for this peace.

    1. Drink some Ouzo. It's antiseptic.

    2. Sounds a lot like my situation! My boyfriend thinks I'm overreacting. He thought I was completely crazy at first but he now knows something is going on after I collected many samples on tape and I bought a microscope. He doesn't take it as serious as it is but that's because they don't bother him like they do the rest of us, lucky him.

  24. I did even know of these insects. While gazing at back door I found this weird thing. My daughter caught a crazy black and fluorescent spider in the house and kept it as pet in a $1 insect plastic container. I put that thing in there to feed it. After research I was scared it would get out. I took the container and brought it to the bathroom. I watched an amazing moment the spider was eating it. I felt invigorated and read theses posts at the same time. Just yesterday I teased my kids and told them to let the spider crawl on me to eat whatever's biting me too. I will now keep this spider and have gotten over my spider fear.

  25. Hello to all fellow sufferers, my fiance and myself have been through all the symptoms of the collembolo, and other bugs as well.We both are going crazy with all the cleaning and researching.Been learning about MD for quite a while now, we've had infestation 5-6 years or. more.We were afraid to talk abw it due to the way Dr's treated us.We've withdrawn to just us two,can't seem to trust anyone, and what do I tell? This seems like a better place to contact some way of getting help.Can someone help us to get started? We were going to get married a long time ago, but our health has deteriorated so much we haven't been able to.


  26. Hello to all fellow sufferers, my fiance and myself have been through all the symptoms of the collembolo, and other bugs as well.We both are going crazy with all the cleaning and researching.Been learning about MD for quite a while now, we've had infestation 5-6 years or. more.We were afraid to talk abw it due to the way Dr's treated us.We've withdrawn to just us two,can't seem to trust anyone, and what do I tell? This seems like a better place to contact some way of getting help.Can someone help us to get started? We were going to get married a long time ago, but our health has deteriorated so much we haven't been able to.

    1. Cap electric,
      Try lamisil (terbinafine) 250 mg twice a day for three weeks. Then once a day for at least four months. Also take ivermectin horse paste (durvet brand - get it at Tractor Supply Company). This is actually for horses but is the exact same stuff prescribed for humans at about 10 percent of the cost). It comes in a syringe that allows you to administer it according to your weight. Do this medication every 4th day for one month. Then cut back to once a week. Depending on your progress, you might even be able to space out the dosages even more. I'm on this program now and not exactly sure when I'll quit taking the ivermectin. Playing it by ear for now.

    2. Hope this helps. Feel free to call me at 323-395-7357, if you need any more guidance or advice.

    3. Cap electric,
      Try lamisil (terbinafine) 250 mg twice a day for three weeks. Then once a day for at least four months. Also take ivermectin horse paste (durvet brand - get it at Tractor Supply Company). This is actually for horses but is the exact same stuff prescribed for humans at about 10 percent of the cost). It comes in a syringe that allows you to administer it according to your weight. Do this medication every 4th day for one month. Then cut back to once a week. Depending on your progress, you might even be able to space out the dosages even more. I'm on this program now and not exactly sure when I'll quit taking the ivermectin. Playing it by ear for now.

    4. I live in the UK and I can't get Terbinafine prescribed where do we get this from? Im depressed and fed up with dealing with this it's been 1 and half years now.

    5. Cordie,
      Terbinafine is the genetic name for lamisil. Ask your doctor to prescribe it. If your doctor refuses, get another doctor who is willing to treat this condition.

    6. Cordie,
      I meant to say generic not genetic in the previous post.

  27. Chris Pope here again. Correction on everything I’ve used. Lugol’s Iodine solution 5% taken 15 drops three times a Day has completely cured me of morgellons!!! You can get this on eBay. I use the J. Crow brand of Lugol’s Iodine solution. The Lugol’s is the formula and not a brand the brand is J. Crows.

  28. It is completely safe. The terbinifide helped yes it did but the potassium Iodine Lugol’s solution has cured me and no prescription needed and as you progress you can make your own as I do now.

  29. I took enough terbinifide plus ivermectin to cure 5 horses. Lugol’s 5% potassium Iodine WILL CURE MORGELLONS AND FIBROMYALGIA 15 drops 3 times a day for

  30. 3 months now I take 10 drops 3 times a day. J. Crow brand 5% Lugol’s solution of iodine taken in your tea coffee anything non fluoride

    1. Hey Chris. Just giving you an update I have been using the solution for a week now and my symptoms have diminished significantly. I don't know how long it's going to last and if it will go away completely. I still have the crawling sensation but definitely not as bad as it was. I'll give another update in a month or so. :)

  31. This is not a bug it is a severe yeast blood infection. Lugol’s brand 5% potassium Iodine and elemental Iodine will cure you save your liver and your health will return.

  32. My ordeal has been trial and error but the “Lugol’s 5% solution Iodine kills the morgellons/fibromyalgia which is pretty much the same thing

  33. If it is a bug or a blood yeast infection the Lugol’s kills it dead without killing your liver.

  34. I am not retracting from my original statement that the Terbinifide Lamasil 250 mg will not work I’m just stating that through trial and error I have found the Lugol’s Iodine to be superior and cheaper and easy on your overall body.

    1. So the terbinafine and ivermectin stopped working at some point? And when/where did you discover the iodine remedy? Was also curious about your age, overall health, and if your environment is affected by the collembola. Thanks for any info you can provide.

    2. Kyle, I took so much I ivermectin along with sheep dewormer Valbazen I believe that all my hair fell out. I took enough ivermectin to de-parasite 7 1,000 mares and I still had symptoms. However, after I started taking the Terbinifide for about 8 months I thought I was cured...however it only stopped the progression. Now...after 91 days on the Lugol’s 5% Iodine 15 drops 3 times a day...I am healthy very happy and well! I even stopped taking my blood pressure medicine. “STAY AWAY FROM MEDICAL DOCTORS THEY WILL ONLY TAKE YOUR MONEY AND THINK YOUR A NUT CASE”

  35. Kyle, I’m 44 soon to be 45. My mother is an MD my sister is an MD my brother is an MD and I have an Engineering degree. All that stuff is rubish. I’m telling you what I have suffered from and my trials and errors in dealing with this. I suggest you do your own research. But I’m telling you what works and what will kill your liver and your body. Respectfully C. Pope

    1. “Lugol’s 5% Iodine” the brand is J. Crow’s 23-24 dollars 15 drops 3X a day and after a week you will be telling everybody else...if I’m’ll have a healthy thyroid and happy body 😀

    2. Morgellons Collembola Fibromyalgia whatever name you put on this the Lugol’s 5% potassium Iodine will eradicate it but some stop poisoning yourself like I was. The Terbinifide is great...but it’s not enough.

  36. Thanks Chris. I've done thousands of hours of research and I'm doing better through trial and error. If you've had this condition for 30+years, then you've been suffering since your teens. I've had it for about five but I'm still curious as to how your environment is affected. I have a tendency to infest areas if I stick around for awhile, i.e. bed, couch, car, office, etc. Have you had this problem as well. I ask because it seems that some people exhibit this while others do not. Hope I'm not asking too many questions. Take care.

    1. And thanks for following up regarding the medications. I might check into different antifungals, as it appears this could be the cause of this affliction. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will be able to let us know how the iodine works over the long run. Regards.

    2. Kyle, I would ruin people’s vcr’s CD players couches. Kyle, try the Lugol’s Iodine I’m telling you that it will kill this out!!! Call me text me 501-282-1075 I know what it’s like because I’ve done everything under the sun and the 5% Lugol’s potassium Iodine works!

    3. Kyle...Iodine is Yahuah’s (our Creator) anti-fungal per nature. Nothing else will work but “Lugol’s 5% Iodine”

    4. Kyle, please listen...I do not have this affliction any longer I am cure. Period. Over with not affected any longer. Lugol’s potassium Iodine 5% 15 drops 3 times a day for 90 days CURED. “Lugol’s 5% potassium Iodine” J. Crow’s brand is what I used.

    5. Kyle, your not infecting others...this collembola whatever it actually only attracted to people with this certain strand of yeast/fungus plague whatever. That’s why one person will have it in a family but others won’t. Crazy I know right.

    6. Hi Chris,
      I just wanted to check with you to see if the J Crow Lugol Solution Iodine is still working for you...
      Please let me know, because I'm taking it know. Thanks.

  37. I believe it’s tge yeast/fungus that attracts the collembola and different strands of this if this is in fact what it is. The Terbinifide is good it real is but it’s so hard on your liver. Anybody out there please please give this a try the Lugol’s 5% Iodine. If I was to stand in the sunlight and the suns rays and shadow just Right you could see this microscopic “dust like stuff” coming out of my shoulder as this is the place that hurt more than the others. Your not crazy you good people out there. Be blessed by Yahuah our Creator

    1. Chris, I have started your Iodine recommendation. Three days in, tiny grain like material has started to high tail it from my body all through the day. Was this the same for you ? The popping and clicking all around my body has decreased by 90%. I guess I am looking for some re-assurance. My boday appears to have been infested with an unbelievable amount of lice / mites for two years.

    2. Chris, I have started your Iodine recommendation. Three days in, tiny grain like material has started to high tail it from my body all through the day. Was this the same for you ? The popping and clicking all around my body has decreased by 90%. I guess I am looking for some re-assurance. My boday appears to have been infested with an unbelievable amount of lice / mites for two years.

  38. Kyle, send me your address to my phone text me and I’ll send you a bottle of the Lugol’s 5% Iodine. No charge. No nothing. Just get the word out to these people who are suffering like I was. It’s horrific!!! You want to die but there is a cure well it was for me anyway.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Keep it up and you will get over this crud...then maintain it with 35-50 mg’s a day Lugol’s 5% Iodine solution daily. May The Most High Yahuah continue to Set you Apart

    1. unfortunately I'm the second week and my symptoms have returned to normal. I'm going to keep going with it. but I was a tiny bit disappointed because the first week was glorious not a popping sensation felt anywhere crawling was to an absolute minimum. This week it has come back with a vengeance.

    2. unfortunately Chris. It didn't work for me.

  41. Keep it up...Increase your intake of it. I have no idea how much you weight so and how little big you’ve have it but again keep it up.

    1. Chris, about 3 weeks ago, I started the iodine protocol you recommended above.

      Bless your is really working. The only side effect is I am super tired. Did this happen when you started the protocol?

      How long before you reduced your iodine to maintenance amounts? And how are you doing now?

  42. Chris Pope, when I was going through the worst of my infestation, after doing powerful lightwork in service of Jah Jah, I was up late at night reading forums while suffering terribly and in close contact with Angels and the Most High trying to understand my condition...Anyway in the middle of that, Yahweh suddenly made Job pop up and I read it; immediately getting the same download as you have about it. In these times, it makes sense. I have since been megadosing on NutriSilver, among other things to raise my vibrations, and doing my work and setting the Divine Shield, and slowly but surely healing every day. Some days it still bothers me like today. I have never tried your suggestions or heard about them before, which I will do so now, NutriSilver seems to be a Godsend also. I just wanted to reach out because you seem wide awake also and I haven’t talked to anyone else who seems to be seeing what I am in relation to this old time something come back again. Would love to discuss this with someone at these levels if possible. I understand what is happening but want to move past this torment and continue my highest service to the Most High at my highest capacity. See King Ras Ta Far I

  43. My name is Nicole, posting from my fiance’s Google+ account.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Hello. My family and I have been suffering from something that sounds much like this for 6-7 months now. I have spent that last 6-7 months researching what it is we are going through. After 2 failed attempts to be taken seriously by doctors I have given up on any further attempts. I have a 11 yr old son (autistic), a 10yr old & 4yr old daughter, and a 7yr old stepson, and myself whom are afflicted. My boyfriend was incarcerated at the time of our contact with these things but was released a couple months later but he doesn't seem to be affected by these to the extent that we are. It has caused some issues in our relationship as he thinks I am over thinking, ect. My 11yr old son and myself are affected the most. I have tried so many different things with 0 success. I am also concerned that I may have also passed this on to my grandmother/her house. I could use any and all advise! I feel like I am in a living nightmare with nobody to turn to and it kills me that my children are suffering and I can't take this away from them.

  47. I am at my wit's end with these things. I I'm starting to believe there is nothing that can kill these things. My entire body is infested and worst yet my kids are suffering. Ive been trying to fight these things on my own and I'm starting to realize I don't have it in me. It's time to get medical attention and i won't allow them to send us home with some crap medicine that doesn't work or dismiss me as crazy. If I have to follow a doctor/nurse around so long that they become infected, so be it!

    1. Diet- no gluten, no GMO, no sugar- limit carbs. Pay attention to oils/fat

      Supplement- whey powder, diatomaceous earth, borax/boron, wormwood/Artemesia, oregano oil also seems to help, kelp (for iodine)

      Bath- borax/peroxide, Alaffia African Black Soap- with Neem, Sea salt (especially Himalayan)

      Environment- ammonia, windex, peroxide, edta, borax, diatomaceous earth, cedar, pine, sage- burn sandalwood incense & beeswax (pure) candles

      gargle with salt water(Himalayan sea salt), use myrrh or neem toothpaste

    2. & laundry- very important- I use borax, oxyclean powder, and liquid oxyclean. Be cautious with wool, cotton, and natural fibers- limit from wardrobe- treat with cedar (tie up in plastic bag with drops of cedar/cedar spray). Cedar in closets... drawers

    3. I would add iodine and colloidal silver to the above protocol if you haven't already.

      I literally started the iodine and colloidal silver protocol about 3 weeks ago and feel 1,000 times better.

      It's about killing the yeast/candida overgrowth in your body, which as Chris stated above, attracts everything else.

      Check my post below. Literally all I've done is started taking iodine and colloidal silver, and then spraying my body, sheets, clothes with alcohol.

      Itching and biting sensations have greatly diminished. Starting to feel normal again.

      Doing research on yeast/candida detox and maintenance diets as these simple changes have me feeling like I can live a normal life again.

  48. Hydrogen peroxide will only kill the ones on the surface. My lungs are full of larva. Every 2 to 4 weeks thousands of larva come out of my skin. I have to shave my head twice a day or it looks like im growing maggott hair...i was a handsome im the "bug king", a laughing is over. Collembola are immune to all pesticides and insecticides. There is no solution. The oldest and most numerous of all God's creatures...
    If i go 2 weeks without shaving my scalp is solid bugs...hundreds pee square inch...bug butts and legs sticking out of my scalp...

    1. Diet- no gluten, no GMO, no sugar- limit carbs. Pay attention to oils/fat

      Supplement- whey powder, diatomaceous earth, borax/boron, wormwood/Artemesia, oregano oil also seems to help, kelp (for iodine)

      Bath- borax/peroxide, Alaffia African Black Soap- with Neem, Sea salt (especially Himalayan)

      Environment- ammonia, windex, peroxide, edta, borax, diatomaceous earth, cedar, pine, sage- burn sandalwood incense & beeswax (pure) candles

      gargle with salt water(Himalayan sea salt), use myrrh or meek toothpaste

  49. Diet- no gluten, no GMO, no sugar- limit carbs. Pay attention to oils/fat

    Supplement- whey powder, diatomaceous earth, borax/boron, wormwood/Artemesia, oregano oil also seems to help

    Bath- borax/peroxide, Alaffia African Black Soap

    Environment- ammonia, windex, peroxide, edta, borax, diatomaceous earth, cedar, pine, sage- burn sandalwood incense & beeswax (pure) candles

  50. Sea salt baths (especially Himalayan) also

  51. Can any one post a pic as to what there nasty things look like so I know I'm not going crazy in the head please and thank you..

  52. that has been my biggest issue. People aren't able to see them they don't stand there and stare from every different angle like I do trying to figure out what it is that I just felt biting me that has to be on my hand. I will sometimes find black specks on me. Many times it is just a small white linear something or another I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's a larva or what but short white stringy things. Other times I find a "V" shaped string like "something". I'm almost positive these are springtails AKA collembola.

  53. Collembola are hexapods that are not recognized by the medical community as parasites even though they make human hosts. I've tried a plethora of prescriptions along with home made remedies. The best was washing everything with vinegar and washing my hair with Apple Cider Vinegar. It has not 'cured' me, as hexapods are very adaptive but it has helped. I noticed that all the insects coming into my home were covered in Springtails. Unfortunately, the medical community is very far behind in recognizing the parasitic nature of Springtails thus causing even more stress and devastation for sufferers.

  54. My first post to this site was Feb 1st 2018 and it is Now Sep 2018 but been dealing with this and Lyme disease. I feel as if i have done something bad and am being time is near to the end I know this cuz I can't deal with it any more. Everyone around me suffers not from this but because of me I cry all the time and am VERY DEPRESSED. Who wants to deal with that all day? I will never be able to have a relationship it's just not possible. The one thing that I do love the most in the world is my dog who suffers also I will not leave her alone she will go with me as she does Everywhere I Go. I just need some help I've tried everything I've always said because I'm afraid I won't be here when there is finally some help I'm to that point I don't want to live anymore. Nor can I it's impossible people just don't understand I've been to doctor after doctor as well as everybody else has has what I have having Lyme disease on top of it it don't help makes things worse really. If there are that many of us and we have proof then why won't anybody listen or anybody help do anything. I'm tired of struggling tired of crying I'm tired of being depressed tired of itching I'm tired of feeling a bit I am just simply tired. I only see one way out and one way only.

  55. I don't feel I can do this any more. I just have to get up the guts and do what is write no one should have to suffer like this no one

    1. Carrie, have you tried Lugol's 5% formula along with colloidal silver? It will bring some relief. Chris is on to something re: it being a yeast overgrowth.

      The colloidal silver stopped the itching almost immediately; the iodine lifted the brain fog and started killing off the yeast in my body.

      It's made an amazing difference. The biting feeling has diminished greatly (I can't even remember the last time I felt a bite...I've only been doing this for 3 weeks now) and the itching has diminished a great deal as well.

      I'm pretty symptom free most of the time now. Occasionally I'll forget and I'll have something sugary and yeasty and then I'll itch a bit until I take the colloidal silver. I'll take an extra dose of iodine when this happens and then I'm back on track.

      I spray alcohol on everything now too. My body, my bed, my clothes...seriously, it's been working great.

      The only down side is a bit of fatigue, but I'd happily trade that for the itching.

      I hope this gives you some hope. Blessings on you dear.

  56. Guys...I just started taking Iodine about a week ago. 15 drops right before going to bed.

    I don't recommend taking it before bedtime, as it is supposed to keep you up. It didn't keep me up, in fact, I probably had the best sleep I've had in months.

    Upon waking, I immediately noticed my brain fog WAS GONE. Usually I'm super groggy and just not at the top of my game mentally, which is NOT my normal state. I am a creative person and I noticed that literally I had a million ideas in my head that I wanted to execute right away. The Iodine unclogged my brain and gave me my brightness back.

    The second thing I noticed was that my body was flushing things out of my system. My eyes were watering and I was blowing my nose ALL DAY. Constant flow, which is a familiar result from when I would detox in the past.

    So far, much less foggy, but a little fatigued as detoxing the body of yeast, fluoride, bromine and parasitic build up is pretty intense. I read that taking B vitamins during this process will help with energy levels. I've also been breaking out, but again, normal stuff when you're ridding your body of toxins.

    At the same time, I also started taking colloidal silver. THIS IS EVERYTHING. It literally stopped the itching, almost immediately. I take that couple times a day, but specifically at night before going to bed so that I can actually sleep. For extra precaution, I rub/spray alcohol on my body before going to bed and make sure I have clean sheets and clean bed clothes. Doing this I literally sleep ITCH FREE.

    These three very minor changes have made ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.

    In addition, someone provided a link where the person recommended a thick sunblock on the face at bedtime for the jumpy mites in lashes and on the face. This works as well. After I wash my face with African Black Soap, I use Sea Breeze astringent, paying special attention to the lashes, then put tea tree oil on my lids, lashes and under my eyes, then I put on waterproof sunblock.

    Sounds like a lot, BUT it works. The sunblock made my eyes water though. Anyhoo, I was sitting here and the Most High urged me to log on and share my experience to give someone on this thread hope that things CAN turn around.

    I'm in agreement with Chris, this is likely an overgrowth of yeast in the body gone to long, which then attracts everything else.

    My protocol:

    15 drops Lugol's 5% Iodine, twice a day (I started with once a day the first week, now at twice a day; will up it to 3 times once my body adjusts. I advise everyone to do what feels best for their circumstances) I put mine in coffee or organic juice. There are also iodine tabs if you prefer to do it that way.

    2 tablespoons colloidal silver, twice a day (morning and bedtime)

    B vitamins

    Alchohol on the body (whenever I feel I need it but definitely before bed)

    Tea tree oil and waterproof sunblock before bed.

    If I run across anything else, that works, I'll hop back on an share. But for sure:


    It works. And it's affordable. May the Great I Am bless each of you with healing.

    1. What kind of alcohol did you use to treat your body?

  57. Anyone getting anywhere with this? Been suffering for years and now my daughter is impacted. Have seen many dermatologist but getting nowhere. I've been able to deal for MANY years but can't watch my daughter go through the same thing...

  58. Hi I am marta from spain and suffering this sheet for two years.
    In may 2018 a mexican girl came to the apartmen to live with us.She infected us. I remember that my scalp started feeling a terrible itching and i thought that it was lice.
    That day started my nightmared: migraines, biting and crawling sensations and was picking my head all the times removing hard and sting material every time.
    i went to the derm with the samples of the material and he said to me that there are not bugs that there are material from mmy scalp is it that true? does it happened to you.
    I want to share with you something that was a relieved for me and i am not cured but at least my head is not hurting any more: 1) blow dry your scalp for ten minnutes and after that apply tea tree oil 100 % and then apply rice flour.
    Sixmonts ago i was almost completely bald and with this regimen after 6 months you start feeling better and my hair start growing..
    Blow dry is essential. Feel free to text me I feel so alone with this.

  59. I forgot to say that i blow dry my hair 4 times a day.



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  61. I have had this problem since 2006. It started on my skin, years later moved to my mouth, all around my vaginal opening, my nose, and eyelids. I bathe in borax to get rid of the all over itchiness. If don't eat anything with sugar in it the symptoms are fewer. I currently use diatomaceous earth to get them out of the carpet/fabrics. Nothing actually gets rid of them, and they can survive being put in plastic for 10 years.

  62. Has anyone tried spinosad? I have used it 3 times so far and seeing quite big improvement. It cheezifies the bug protein and you just comb out the curds. I didn't dare to use it anywhere else than scalp yet but considering it definitely. There is a lice treatment based on it (0.9%) and even an oral medication for dogs using it so it can't be that harmful... however I just diluted a pesticide solution (24%) to about 2% spinosad... curious if anyone else tried this stuff.
